Why and how did I solve a COVID19 impacted problem using code?
In the time of the pandemic, as schools went online, I saw my little niece struggling to find the Zoom link to her online classroom. She was certainly not able to tune-in to this change. I realized how e-learning must have been a challenge for the teachers and students w.r.t. technology and access. I decided to simplify the accessibility to online lectures by developing a speed dialer.
I spent the weekend making the project from start to finish. I wanted the design to look simple and cute for the kids. I sat down with my niece aka "The Test Manager" and spent a day addressing her questions in the form of bug fixes. I submitted the chrome extension for approval and waited for it to be published while I created a demo video for my early audience.
I launched Zoomies - a speed dialer to online lectures. I wrote an email to the principal of my niece's school proposing to try out the product with a sample of teachers and students for feedback. I shared it with some of my colleagues over Slack too.
Zoomies now actually caters to a wide range of audience. Managers and school kids are using it the most. They seem to have the most number of calendar events these days. I decided to expand Zoomies' capabilities by integrating with other popular video-conferencing platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Webex, GoToMeeting, etc.
Zoomies got featured on ProductHunt and other platforms. Overall, the heap of love and feedback I received made that weekend toil worthy!
If you happen to be working remotely with an overwhelming number of meetings every day, Zoomies - zoomiesoncall.xyz is a must-try.